Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How It All Started

Hi, Everyone!
For most of my 65 years, I have struggled off and on with my weight.  I would be remiss if I didn’t confess that I’ve tried just about every diet plan out there.  While I had “many” successes, they were not to last.  I now know, it was because my motives for losing those pounds were for all the wrong reasons. 

As a teen, I wanted to look “cute” like many of my girlfriends and wear the latest fashions.  During early adulthood, my motives hadn’t changed much.  Looking good in clothes, feeling pretty, wanting to be like everyone else and not wanting to stand out negatively, weighed heavily on my mind.  (Pardon  the play on words.)  I don’t think those motives changed much over the years until January 2011.

Eating my way through the years had it’s price, most greatly evident in my health.  For the past 10 years, I have been on medication for high Blood Pressure and high Cholesterol AND was diagnosed as a Type II Diabetic.  Even with all those medications, my lifestyle changed very little until my last physical.  My doctor informed me that I was on the maximum dosage of oral medication for Diabetes and that if I didn’t make radical changes immediately, I would soon be on Insulin! 

FINALLY!  My doctor had my total and complete attention.  The thought of giving myself shots for a condition that I and I alone caused, was unbearable and humiliating to say the least.  I vowed that very moment that the word, “diet” would no longer be in my vocabulary.  That word, indicated that whatever I did to lose weight was a temporary fix and that the deprivation of sweets and fats wouldn’t last forever.  I knew, that I would have to make lifestyle changes.  No longer would my mantra be, “Live to Eat”.  From that point on, I would be “Eating to Live”.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. 

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